Saturday, December 30, 2017
Memory and thinking can be improved with exercise
It is a frightening thought to consider the possibility of losing your memory and ability to think clearly. Medical practitioners have been finding that exercising a minimum of twice a week is preferable to drugs for mild cognitive impairment reports Mayo Clinic.
Dr. Ronald Petersen, the lead author of this study, has said it has been shown that regular physical exercise has benefits for heart health. Now it is also known that memory in people with mild cognitive impairment can be improved with exercise. Essentially what we are finding is that "What's good for your heart can be good for your brain."
With mild cognitive impairment there may be problems with memory, language, judgment and thinking. Often these changes are so mild they do not interfere significantly with the activities of daily living. However mild cognitive impairment may be associated with an increased risk of a progression to dementia which is due to Alzheimer's disease or other neurological conditions. Yet in many instances people with mild cognitive impairment never get worse and sometimes even get better.
This study has been published in the journal Neurology. Exercise has been found to often be effective for the prevention and treatment of mild cognitive impairment. This is preferable to drugs and also benefits heart health. Prevention and complete cures of mild cognitive impairment are possible and so regular exercise is a good idea whether or not this condition is present.
Thursday, December 28, 2017
There may be health benefits from switching plant proteins for animal proteins
St. Michael's Hospital has reported that there may be health benefits from making a daily switch of one or two servings of animal proteins with plant proteins. This could lead to a small decrease in the three primary cholesterol markers for cardiovascular disease prevention.
Dr. Sievenpiper, who lead this research, says the study has indicated that replacing one to two servings of animal proteins with plant proteins daily may lower the primary cholesterol markers by approximately 5 percent. Good plant proteins include chickpeas, beans, soy and nuts.
Past studies have demonstrated the cholesterol-lowering benefits of individual foods or of food groups. However, this study investigated the benefits of making substitutions of any plant proteins for animal proteins. As noted by Dr. Sievenpiper we now have more confidence than ever that plant-based diets from Mediterranean diets and vegetarian diets in the supermarket are heart healthy.
This study has been published in the Journal of the American Heart Association. There has been an increase in interest in plant‐based diets for prevention of cardiovascular disease. Researchers have determined switching plant for animal protein lowers the established lipid targets low‐density lipoprotein cholesterol, non–high‐density lipoprotein cholesterol, and apolipoprotein B. Replacing animal based proteins in your diet with plant based proteins benefits heart health.
Sunday, December 17, 2017
Vitamin deficiency later in life is prevalent
Good nutrition is essential for overall well being throughout life. In elderly people vitamin deficiencies are seen often reports HelmholtzZentrum munchen: German Research Center for Environmental Health.
About 50 percent of people who are 65 years old and older have suboptimal levels of vitamin D in their blood. And about 25 percent of older adults have suboptimal levels of vitamin B12. Furthermore, in eleven percent of elderly adults iron levels were found to be too low, and about nine percent did not have adequate folate in their blood.
Professor Annette Peters says that this study has confirmed the vital results of the
last German National Nutrition Survey (NVS II) which showed there is generally an
insufficient intake of micronutrients from foods. This is a highly significant issue, particularly in view of the growing elderly population.
Most of the elderly people with suboptimal vitamin levels were very old, not physically active or frail. These groups have an increased risk for deficiencies of micronutrients. Older people should take vitamin-containing supplements and maintain a healthy and nutritious diet.
This study has been published in the journal Nutrients. It is of interest that regular and appropriately dosed micronutrient supplementation may help elderly adults, who otherwise are not able to follow dietary guidelines, to satisfy their requirements, and to prevent chronic diseases associated with malnutrition.
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Your memory may improve with reading aloud
There is often a feeling that someone who is reading aloud to themselves may somehow be unstable. This is not at all necessarily true and in fact to the contrary reading aloud to oneself may be a good way to improve one's memory.
The University of Waterloo reports that research has found that memory is improved with reading information aloud. Words are better stored in long-term memory when you speak text aloud. The most beneficial effect on memory has been observed to be from the dual action of speaking and also hearing oneself.
Colin M. MacLeod, who is a professor and chair of the Department of Psychology at Waterloo, says it has been confirmed by this study that both learning and memory gain the most benefit from active involvement. Memory is enhanced when an active component or a production element is added to it.
It has been suggested that a part of the memory benefit of speech comes from taking the time to be personal and self-referential. There is also a production effect of various activities, such as writing and typing words, which helps to enhance overall retention of memory. Exercise and movement, such as seen when doing puzzles and crosswords, also seems to help strengthen memory.
This study has been published in the journal Memory. A memory benefit has been observed from hearing onself. Better memory benefits have been observed from reading aloud oneself than from simply hearing another person read aloud. So don't be concerned if someone else thinks it's strange if they hear you reading something aloud to yourself because this after all may be helping you remember things better.
Thursday, November 23, 2017
Cinnamon may help you fight obesity
Aside from tasting delicious cinnamon may have some significant health benefits because it may help burn fat. The University of Michigan has reported that cinnamon may help to fight against obesity. Cinnamaldehyde, which is an essential oil which gives cinnamon its flavor, has appeared to researchers to protect against obesity and hyperglycemia in mice. Researchers have wanted to develop a better understanding of cinnamaldehyde's action and determine whether it might be also be protective in people.
Researchers have observed that metabolic health is improved by cinnamaldehyde via direct action on fat cells. Cinnamaldehyde induces fat cells to begin burning energy via a process which is known as thermogenesis. Due to the increasing obesity epidemic, researchers have been investigating ways to induce fat cells to activate thermogenesis.
Cinnamaldehyde may offer such an activation process. It should be easier to convince patients to adhere to a cinnamon-based treatment versus a traditional drug regimen. Cinnamon is after all generally considered delicious by people. If this is proven to help protect people from obesity
it may offer patients an approach to metabolic health which is easy for them to adhere to.
This study has been published in the journal Metabolism. Cinnamaldehyde has potential metabolic benefits in people. Cinnamon is a delicious food additive which may activate thermogenesis. Therefore cinnamon may lead to tasty therapeutic strategies in the fight against obesity.
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Trees can help you beat serious asthma attacks
Quality air is vital for pulmonary health and exposure to trees enhances the quality of air we breath. The University of Exeter reports that attacks of asthma are decreased in urban neighborhoods which are lined with trees. In fact people with asthma who reside in urban areas which are polluted are not as likely to be confronted with hospital admissions when there are a lot of trees in their neighborhood.
This leaves us with the consideration that increases in tree cover in polluted urban neighborhoods can improve respiratory health. In this study there was a very strong association with less emergency asthma cases in the most polluted urban areas which had trees. This has suggested that planting of trees could play a role in lowering the hazardous effects of air pollution from cars.
Dr. Ian Alcock, who is a research fellow at the University of Exeter’s Medical School, says his group wanted to help clarify the association which may be found between urban vegetation and respiratory health. Trees clearly remove air pollutants which can cause asthma attacks. In spite of possible allergenic pollen from vegetation which exacerbates asthma, overall Dr. Alcock and his associates found urban vegetation appears to do much more good than harm.
This study has been published in the journal Environment International. Relationships between tree and green space
density and asthma associated hospitalisations have been explored. Clearly there can be significant health benefits from environmental improvements in polluted urban neighborhoods.
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Try mushrooms for good health and longevity
Researchers say that mushrooms are a very healthy food. It has been reported by Penn State News that mushrooms are loaded with antioxidants and that may have potential to slow down aging. Two antioxidants in particular, ergothioneine and glutathione, which are found in high amounts in mushrooms, may help to fight the aging process and nurture good health.
Robert Beelman, who is a professor emeritus of food science and director of the Penn State Center for Plant and Mushroom Products for Health, highlights the free radical theory of aging which is based on the belief that when our food is oxidized to produce energy there are many free radicals which are produced and they can be very toxic.
Free radical damage has been found to be associated with many diseases of aging including heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer's. The porcini species has been found to have the highest amounts of ergothioneine and glutathione of any other mushroom species. In Italy the porcini species of mushrooms is very popular.
This study has been published in the journal Food Chemistry. Mushrooms have been found to be a rich source of the antioxidants ergothioneine and glutathione. Certain mushroom species which are high in glutathione and ergothioneine are a very good dietary source of these significant antioxidants. We therefore see that eating certain types of mushrooms may promote anti-aging while nurturing good health.
Monday, November 6, 2017
The risk of SIDS can be lowered with breastfeeding
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is a dreaded entity. It has been reported by the University of Virginia that the risk of SIDS is dramatically decreased with two months of breastfeeding. The researchers have observed breastfeeding does not have to be done exclusively for babies to benefit.
SIDS is the leading cause of death of babies who are between the ages of 1 month and 1 year. In this study it was observed there was almost a 50 percent lower risk of SIDS in babies who were breastfed for at least 2 months. There was no such benefit with less than 2 months of breastfeeding. Breastfeeding for longer periods of time lead to more protection from SIDS.
Researcher Dr. Rachel Moon of the University of Virginia School of Medicine and the University of Virginia Children’s Hospital has said it's really great to let mothers know that there is a powerful protective effect against SIDS with breastfeeding for at least 2 months. International and national initiatives to promote breastfeeding are supported by the researchers.
It is not clear why there is protection from SIDS with breastfeeding. It has been suggested that the immune benefits of breastfeeding coupled with positive effects on infant sleeping patterns explain why breastfeeding lowers rates of SIDS.
This study has been published in the journal Pediatrics. Breastfeeding has been found to be protective against SIDS. This is very significant since the leading cause of postneonatal
infant mortality is SIDS. Clearly women should be encouraged to breastfeed their babies.
Saturday, November 4, 2017
Nature offers a key to happiness
Leading a naturally healthy lifestyle with good nutrition, daily exercise, and adequate rest along with avoidance of drugs and alcohol generally helps in the search for happiness. Researchers have found that spending time in nature also generally nurtures happiness.
The University of British Columbia Okanagan Campus has reported that the best in people can be brought out with time spent in nature. Holli-Anne Passmore, a UBC researcher, says there’s a lot of truth to the concept that spending time outdoors is associated with happiness. Passmore has said people can increase their general happiness and well-being by simply taking some time to notice the nature which surrounds them.
It has been documented scientifically that people generally seem happier and they may live longer when they live in greenspaces. This study has been published in The Journal of Positive Psychology. The study offers empirical support for the idea that involvement in nature offers an effective positive psychology intervention. So next time you feel sad try to find sometime to spend in nature.
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Clean air nurtures mental health
There has been a growing awareness of how naturally healthy lifestyles promote mental health. Aside from good nutrition, daily exercise, adequate rest, and avoidance of drugs and alcohol, it has also become apparent that clean air helps to promote mental health.
The University of Washington has reported that mental health is clouded by air pollution. It is well known that dirty air can undermine normal breathing and exacerbate various lung diseases. Connections between toxic air and diabetes, obesity, and dementia are also being investigated. Researchers at the University of Washington now say psychological distress is also associated with air pollution.
Where a person lives can have a dramatic effect on their health and quality of life. "Social determinants" of physical and mental health have been identified by researchers. These determinants include the availability of foods which are healthy at local grocery stores, access to nature in the neighborhood and safety in the neighborhood.
Scientists say that air pollution is also associated with behavior changes. Exposure to air pollution can lead to not spending as much time outside and leading a lifestyle which is sedentary. This can also be associated with a distressed psychological state of being or social isolation.
The researchers at University of Washington found that there was an increased risk of psychological distress with an increased amount of particulate matter present in the air. For every increase in pollution of 5 micrograms per cubic meter the same effect as a 1 1/2 year loss in education was observed.
This study has been published in Health & Place.The effects of air pollution on the psychological distress of individuals was studied. It has been suggested by this study that public health initiatives to decrease the personal and societal costs of mental illness should give consideration to addressing not only characteristics of the individual and factors in the social environment, but also aspects of the physical environment as seen with air pollution. It appears that clean air nurtures mental health while air pollution does the opposite.
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Complementary and alternative medicine are popular in Europe
People are turning to alternative forms of treatment for back pain, headaches, and other distressing health problems. In the study it was found that about 25 percent of the subjects have used complementary and alternative treatments during the past year. Massage, homeopathy, osteopathy, and herbal remedies have been found to be the most popular forms of alternative treatment.
The researchers noted that alternative and complementary medicine was used most often in a complementary manner, or along with with conventional medicine. There were observed to be significant differences in prevalence of treatments between countries, with about 40 percent of the subjects using complementary and alternative medicine in Germany whereas in Hungary this prevalence was about 10%. It appears this variation is partially explained by the fact that in some countries insurance covers these treatments.
This study has been published in the journal Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. In this study it has been found that CAM has been commonly used for health associated problems in Europe. Those who had a higher socioeconomic status were observed to be more likely than those with a lower socioeconomic status to come across an acceptable combination of standard medical and complementary therapies. This points to the possibility of socioeconomic inequality in the use of health services.
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Gentle touch can help with the emotional pain of social rejection
Social exclusion is a very painful experience. There is a basic need in people for social contact and so certainly pills will not cure the psychic pain of social exclusion. Researchers have found that the gentle touch of another person can however help ease the pain of being rejected socially.
University College London has reported that the negative effects of social rejection can be soothed via the gentle touch of another person. The researchers have found a specific relationship exists between being gently touched by another person and social bonding. This is significant in our fast paced digital world where the power of simple touch in human relations is often forgotten.
Lead author, Mariana von Mohr says her research team has shown for the first time that simple gentle stroking by a stranger can decrease feelings of social exclusion after being rejected socially. People who were touched in such ways have demonstrated less feelings of
negativity and social exclusion.
Dr Katerina Fotopoulou has said that there is a well recognized need for closeness and attachment in mammals. Therefore it was anticipated that social support would lower the emotional pain of social exclusion.
This study has been published by Scientific Reports. Slow, affective touch has been shown to have a soothing function when dealing with social exclusion. A special relationship seems to exist between affective touch and social bonding. So if you really care about the feelings of a person suffering from the emotional pain of social rejection try some gentle social touching.
Monday, October 16, 2017
There is an association between sugar and cancer
It has been well known that eating too much sugar can be associated with obesity and dental decay. New research has shown an association exists between sugar and cancer.
VIB reports that scientists have uncovered a relationship which exists between sugar and cancer. Researchers have explained that what is called the Warburg effect stimulates tumor growth. The Warburg effect is a phenomenon in which sugars are rapidly broken down by cancer cells in a manner which simulates the growth of tumors.
It has been observed that tumors convert a great deal more sugar into lactate in comparison to healthy tissues. This is a prominent feature of cancer cells. It has not been clear whether this effect is a symptom or cause of cancer.
This study has been published by the journal Nature Communications. Professor Johan Thevelein says this research has shown that the "hyperactive sugar consumption of cancerous cells leads to a vicious cycle of continued stimulation of cancer development and growth." The Warburg effect has been seen to create a vicious cycle wherein enhanced fermentation of sugar stimulates oncogenic potency.
This link between sugar and cancer has been compelling. This research leads to the logical assumption that cutting down on sugar consumption may help protect you from getting cancer.
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
"Eating breakfast can help protect you from heart disease"
Heart disease is a leading cause of death worldwide. A good diet which includes eating breakfast can help to prevent heart disease.>>>Read More On EvoNews>>>
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
"Stay active to be healthy and live longer"
Thursday, September 21, 2017
"Depression can be set off by poor family relations"
Depression is a devastating condition which seems to have multi-factorial causes. Aside from genetics, certain drugs, malnutrition, unhealthy lifestyles, major life events, death of a loved one, and physical, sexual, or emotional abuse researchers say family relationships can also influence depression.>>>Read More On EvoNews>>>
Monday, September 18, 2017
"Poor lifestyle is more damaging to your health than low dose radiation"
Sunday, September 17, 2017
Teens often seem jet lagged on Monday mornings from poor sleep
Orebro University has reported that after changing their sleeping patterns over the weekends teens often show up in school jet lagged on Monday morning. This study was done by Serena Bauducco at Orebro University in Sweden.
In her thesis Bauducco shows that the mental well being of teens is affected when they do not get enough sleep. Teens who do not get adequate sleep have been found to be stressed out more and more worried than teens who get adequate sleep. Teens who do not get an adequate amount of sleep were also found to more often have their mobile phones or computers in bed with them.
It has also been shown by Bauducco that there is an association between difficulties with sleep and more absences from school. Teens who have problems with sleep were generally found to have as much as 33 percent more absences from school.
The teens with poor sleep actually seemed to suffer from jet lag at school on Monday mornings. This came from going to sleep later and waking up later over the weekend. Being tired and miserable at school seems to have a negative affect on learning for sleep deprived teens.
Some of the schools in Sweden have begun to start school later in order to help students better adjust their biological rhythms. It is hoped that more sleep in the morning will help these students do better in school.
The Orebro University journal reports that as sleep goes through vital changes during the time of adolescence many teens develop problems sleeping. The academic, physical and psychosocial functioning of teens may be harmed by sleep problems.
Sleep deficit has been found to be common in adolescents. This is associated with emotional and behavioral problems. Clearly the vital importance of adequate sleep for teens should be highlighted. Teens should be encouraged to lead a healthy active lifestyle, eat well, and get adequate sleep to help them maintain good health in body and mind and perform as well as possible in all realms of their lives.
Thursday, September 7, 2017
"Your risk for diabetes may be lowered by eating less red meat and poultry"
There has been a surge in cases of diabetes due to poor diets and poor lifestyles. New research has shown that eating red meat and poultry are associated with an increased risk for getting diabetes.>>>Read More On EvoNews>>>
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
"Antidepressant use is so widespread the wastes are showing up in fish brains"
In spite of the growing awareness of potentially horrible side effects from the use of antidepressants the psychiatrists are continuing to routinely prescribe them. The use of these drugs is so widespread their waste products are being found in the brains of fish.>>>Read More On EvoNews>>>
Monday, September 4, 2017
"Elderly people need a lot of protein to stay healthy"
As we age good nutrition is a vital factor for maintaining good health. Eating a lot of protein in particular is important to help older people maintain their health.>>>Read More On EvoNews>>>
Sunday, September 3, 2017
"Good students go on to become good workers"
An investment in helping a child to become a good student can go a long way towards helping that child to be a good employee later in life.>>>Read More On EvoNews>>>
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
"Flame retardants may undermine the chances of women to have children"

Researchers have found that exposure to flame retardants may undermine the chances of women to get pregnant and to have live births.>>>Read More On EvoNews>>>
Monday, August 21, 2017
"Mom’s breast milk can help beat bacterial infections"
The breast milk of women has proven to be very nutritious. This milk also has significant antibacterial properties.>>>Read More On EvoNews>>>
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
"Children’s gender identity is independent of sexual orientation of parents"
There seems to be an assumption that the sexual identity of children is primarily determined by the sexual identity of their parents. However new research shows that the gender identity of children is generally not influenced by the gender identity of their parents.>>Read More On EvoNews>>>
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Friday, August 11, 2017
"Student athletes need good nutrition to fuel their performance"
In order to help student athletes stay healthy and perform well good nutrition should be stressed.>>>Read More On EvoNews>>>
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
"Social interactions are vital for your health in body and mind"
Loneliness leaves you with a horrible feeling and has terrible ramifications for your health. You need to be socially active to be healthy.>>>Read More On EvoNews>>>
Saturday, August 5, 2017
"Mindfulness has a lot to offer for sports performance"
Coaches and athletes searching for better ways to improve sports performance generally find that encouraging mindfulness has a lot to offer.>>>Read More On EvoNews>>>
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
"Crispy jellyfish has potential as a tasty new food"
In the search for new natural healthy foods jellyfish has great potential. Crispy jellyfish is nutritious and delicious.»>Read More On EvoNews»>
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
"Mind-body therapies for pain may lower abuse of opioid painkillers"
Suffering with serious pain is a horrible state of being and can lead to overuse of pain medications. New research shows that troublesome pain responds well to mind-body therapies.>>>Read More On EvoNews>>>
Friday, July 21, 2017
"You could live a lot longer while maintaining good health with a healthy lifestyle"
There has been an increased awareness of the value of healthy lifestyles. It appears that you do not simply feel better with a healthy lifestyle, you may also live longer.>>>Read More On EvoNews>>>
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
"The brains of teens and young adults are at great risk from binge drinking"
Research shows binge drinking by teens and young adults is not at all safe and may in fact lead to brain damage.>>>Read More On EvoNews>>>
Friday, July 14, 2017
"Drinking coffee could help you live longer"
Coffee is a very popular drink. New research shows that aside from tasting good coffee may actually help you enjoy a healthier and longer life.>>>Read More On EvoNews>>>
Thursday, July 13, 2017
"Teaching of emotional intelligence can have great benefits"
It has been reported by the University of British Columbia that there is a lasting positive impact from being taught emotional intelligence. There is an improvement in mental health, social skills and learning outcomes in young people who have taken part in social and emotional learning programs.>>>Read More On EvoNews>>>
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
"You may sleep better if you have a purpose in life"
Using sleeping pills for problems sleeping at night raises concerns due to the myriad of potential side effects which are associated with sleeping pills. A good natural remedy for poor sleep may be finding a purpose in life.>>>Read More On EvoNews>>>
Saturday, July 8, 2017
"Chocolate not only tastes good, it’s also good for your brain"
Chocolate is so delicious that it would seem to be a dream come true for many people to discover that it has great health benefits. Researchers have made this dream come true with the finding that chocolate is good for your brain.>>>Read More On EvoNews>>>
Thursday, July 6, 2017
"Magnesium offers hope in the fight against depression"
Depression is a horrible state of mind which can lead to suicide if not dealt with properly. The psychiatric drugs prescribed by the psychiatrists have been noted to be very dangerous due to a myriad of potential side effects. The natural remedy magnesium offers significant hope in dealing with depression.>>>Read More On EvoNews>>>
Monday, July 3, 2017
"Drinking beer in moderation can have some health benefits"
Many people who look forward a cold beer now and than nevertheless are deeply concerned that this does not have anything to actually offer for their health. However, research shows there may be health benefits to drinking beer in moderation.>>>Read More On EvoNews>>>
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
"Break up sitting with more walks for good health"
Sitting too long daily can be very unhealthy. Recent research shows blood lipid levels are lowered with walking.>>>Read More On EvoNews>>>
Sunday, June 25, 2017
"Sharing your bed with your pet and kids may not be a bad idea"
On the surface it may appear that sleeping with your pet or kids is unusual, but there may be positive psychological benefits from this.>>>Read More On EvoNews>>>
Friday, June 23, 2017
"The summer heat can really get you down"
Hot summer days are not always as enjoyable as you would like them to be. As a matter of fact the summer heat can hit your state of mind really hard. >>>Read More On EvoNews>>>
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
"Mindfulness meditation is worth trying"
It is not a myth that meditation can go a long way in helping to nurture better overall health in body and mind. It is certainly worth taking the time to meditate on a regular basis.>>>Read More On EvoNews>>>
Monday, June 19, 2017
"Vegetarian diets are best for weight loss"
Overweight and obesity have become greater problems than ever before. Vegetarian diets offer the most hope for losing weight. Researchers have reported via Taylor and Francis that vegetarian diets are about twice as effective as conventional low calorie diets in lowering body weight. There is also an added benefit of improving metabolism by decreasing muscle fat in vegetarian only dieters.>>>Read More On Evonews>>>
Sunday, June 18, 2017
"The United Nations says psychiatry undermines the right of people to be healthy"
United Nations Rapporteurs have criticized psychiatry for the
excessive medicalization of mental health issues which is said to
undermine the right of people to be healthy. CCHR International
has published a report by Kelly Patricia O’Meara which deals with how
United Nations Special Rapporteur, Dr. Dainius Puras, has set a
milestone by addressing the very serious problem of the excessive
“medicalization” of mental health issues.
"Flexing your spiritual muscles is good for your health"
In an era of high technology wherein computers and the Internet seem to be taking over the world there appears to be less respect given for traditional values dealing with religion. However, for those people who wish to spend a little less time on social networking sites and a little more time praying just like people did in antiquity, there could be great advantages for their health.>>>Read More On Evolance>>>
Thursday, June 15, 2017
Try exercise for a more positive body image
Exercise can go further than helping to keep your weight under control and your heart in shape. Exercise also has the power to help you feel a lot better about yourself.
MedicalXPress reports according to a new study women feel stronger and thinner after just 30 minutes of exercise. This positive effect of exercise lasts longer than the time of the activity itself which helps women maintain a better body image.
Kathleen Martin Ginis, who is a professor in UBC Okanagan's School of Health and Exercise Sciences, says that there is a tendency among women to have negative feelings about their bodies. This is a serious matter because there may be an association between a bad body image and poor psychological and physical health. This may lead to low self-esteem, eating disorders and depression. It was observed in this study that there can be a quick positive effect with exercise.
There were significant improvements in the body image of women who exercised in comparison to those women who did not exercise. It was established by the researchers that this effect was not because of a change in the mood of the women, but was instead associated with women perceiving of themselves as being stronger and thinner. This is very significant particularly in view of an assessment by the National Institutes of Health that about 50 percent of women in North America have some degree of dissatisfaction with their body image.
"Women, in general,
have a tendency to feel negatively about their bodies," says study
senior author Kathleen Martin Ginis, professor in UBC Okanagan's School
of Health and Exercise Sciences. "This is a concern because poor body image
can have harmful implications for a woman's psychological and physical
health including increased risk for low self-esteem, depression and for
eating disorders. This study indicates exercise can have an immediate
positive effect."
Read more at:
This study has been published in the journal Psychology of Sport and Exercise. This has been the first study which has proposed and tested a model of this nature for exercise and body image. Exercise was observed to improve body image via better self-perceptions of body fat and of strength. The lesson to be learned here is that exercise can be used to help improve body image. Read more at:
Women, in general, have
a tendency to feel negatively about their bodies," says study senior
author Kathleen Martin Ginis, professor in UBC Okanagan's School of
Health and Exercise Sciences. "This is a concern because poor body image
can have harmful implications for a woman's psychological and physical
health including increased risk for low self-esteem, depression and for
eating disorders. This study indicates exercise can have an immediate
positive effect."
Read more at:
Read more at:
Women, in general, have
a tendency to feel negatively about their bodies," says study senior
author Kathleen Martin Ginis, professor in UBC Okanagan's School of
Health and Exercise Sciences. "This is a concern because poor body image
can have harmful implications for a woman's psychological and physical
health including increased risk for low self-esteem, depression and for
eating disorders. This study indicates exercise can have an immediate
positive effect."
Read more at:
Read more at:
Women, in general, have
a tendency to feel negatively about their bodies," says study senior
author Kathleen Martin Ginis, professor in UBC Okanagan's School of
Health and Exercise Sciences. "This is a concern because poor body image
can have harmful implications for a woman's psychological and physical
health including increased risk for low self-esteem, depression and for
eating disorders. This study indicates exercise can have an immediate
positive effect."
Read more at:
Read more at:
Women, in general, have
a tendency to feel negatively about their bodies," says study senior
author Kathleen Martin Ginis, professor in UBC Okanagan's School of
Health and Exercise Sciences. "This is a concern because poor body image
can have harmful implications for a woman's psychological and physical
health including increased risk for low self-esteem, depression and for
eating disorders. This study indicates exercise can have an immediate
positive effect."
Read more at:
Read more at:
Women, in general, have
a tendency to feel negatively about their bodies," says study senior
author Kathleen Martin Ginis, professor in UBC Okanagan's School of
Health and Exercise Sciences. "This is a concern because poor body image
can have harmful implications for a woman's psychological and physical
health including increased risk for low self-esteem, depression and for
eating disorders. This study indicates exercise can have an immediate
positive effect."
Read more at:
Read more at:
Women, in general, have
a tendency to feel negatively about their bodies," says study senior
author Kathleen Martin Ginis, professor in UBC Okanagan's School of
Health and Exercise Sciences. "This is a concern because poor body image
can have harmful implications for a woman's psychological and physical
health including increased risk for low self-esteem, depression and for
eating disorders. This study indicates exercise can have an immediate
positive effect."
Read more at:
Read more at:
Women, in general, have
a tendency to feel negatively about their bodies," says study senior
author Kathleen Martin Ginis, professor in UBC Okanagan's School of
Health and Exercise Sciences. "This is a concern because poor body image
can have harmful implications for a woman's psychological and physical
health including increased risk for low self-esteem, depression and for
eating disorders. This study indicates exercise can have an immediate
positive effect."
Read more at:
Read more at:
Women, in general, have
a tendency to feel negatively about their bodies," says study senior
author Kathleen Martin Ginis, professor in UBC Okanagan's School of
Health and Exercise Sciences. "This is a concern because poor body image
can have harmful implications for a woman's psychological and physical
health including increased risk for low self-esteem, depression and for
eating disorders. This study indicates exercise can have an immediate
positive effect."
Read more at:
Read more at:
This is a concern because poor body image
can have harmful implications for a woman's psychological and physical
health including increased risk for low self-esteem, depression and for
eating disorders. This study indicates exercise can have an immediate
positive effect."
Read more at:
Read more at:
This is a concern because poor body image
can have harmful implications for a woman's psychological and physical
health including increased risk for low self-esteem, depression and for
eating disorders. This study indicates exercise can have an immediate
positive effect."
Read more at:
Read more at:
This is a concern because poor body image
can have harmful implications for a woman's psychological and physical
health including increased risk for low self-esteem, depression and for
eating disorders. This study indicates exercise can have an immediate
positive effect."
Read more at:
Read more at:
This is a concern because poor body image
can have harmful implications for a woman's psychological and physical
health including increased risk for low self-esteem, depression and for
eating disorders. This study indicates exercise can have an immediate
positive effect."
Read more at: Martin Ginis, who is a professor in UBC Okanagan's School of Health and Exercise Sciences, says women often have negative feelings about their bodies. This is a serious matter because women with a bad body image may be at risk for poorThis has
Read more at: Martin Ginis, who is a professor in UBC Okanagan's School of Health and Exercise Sciences, says women often have negative feelings about their bodies. This is a serious matter because women with a bad body image may be at risk for poorThis has
one 30-minute bout of exercise makes women feel stronger and thinner,
according to a new UBC study. And the positive effect lasts well beyond
the activity itself, which may be good news for women concerned about
their body image.
Martin Ginis, along with her graduate student Lauren Salci, compared the body image and physical perceptions of women who completed 30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise with those who sat and read. Women in the exercise group had significant improvements in their body image compared to those who didn't exercise. This positive effect lasted at least 20 minutes post-exercise. The research team further established that this effect was not due to a change in the women's mood, rather it was linked to perceiving themselves as stronger and thinner.
"We all have those days when we don't feel great about our bodies," says Martin Ginis. "This study and our previous research shows one way to feel better, is to get going and exercise. The effects can be immediate."
Martin Ginis sees this study as a gateway to developing maximally effective body image-enhancing exercise interventions.
According to the National Institutes of Health, nearly one half of North American women experience some degree of body image dissatisfaction and this has become more prevalent over the last three decades.
"We think that the feelings of strength and empowerment women achieve post exercise, stimulate an improved internal dialogue," says Martin Ginis. "This in turn should generate positive thoughts and feelings about their bodies which may replace the all too common negative ones."
Read more at: and physical health including increased risk for low self-esteem, depression and for eating disorders. This study indicates exercise can have an immediate positive effect.
Women in the exercise group had significant improvements in their body image compared to those who didn't exercise. This positive effect lasted at least 20 minutes post-exercise. The research team further established that this effect was not due to a change in the women's mood, rather it was linked to perceiving themselves as stronger and thinner.
one 30-minute bout of exercise makes women feel stronger and thinner,
according to a new UBC study. And the positive effect lasts well beyond
the activity itself, which may be good news for women concerned about
their body image.
Martin Ginis, along with her graduate student Lauren Salci, compared the body image and physical perceptions of women who completed 30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise with those who sat and read. Women in the exercise group had significant improvements in their body image compared to those who didn't exercise. This positive effect lasted at least 20 minutes post-exercise. The research team further established that this effect was not due to a change in the women's mood, rather it was linked to perceiving themselves as stronger and thinner.
"We all have those days when we don't feel great about our bodies," says Martin Ginis. "This study and our previous research shows one way to feel better, is to get going and exercise. The effects can be immediate."
Martin Ginis sees this study as a gateway to developing maximally effective body image-enhancing exercise interventions.
According to the National Institutes of Health, nearly one half of North American women experience some degree of body image dissatisfaction and this has become more prevalent over the last three decades.
"We think that the feelings of strength and empowerment women achieve post exercise, stimulate an improved internal dialogue," says Martin Ginis. "This in turn should generate positive thoughts and feelings about their bodies which may replace the all too common negative ones."
Read more at:
one 30-minute bout of exercise makes women feel stronger and thinner,
according to a new UBC study. And the positive effect lasts well beyond
the activity itself, which may be good news for women concerned about
their body image.
Martin Ginis, along with her graduate student Lauren Salci, compared the body image and physical perceptions of women who completed 30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise with those who sat and read. Women in the exercise group had significant improvements in their body image compared to those who didn't exercise. This positive effect lasted at least 20 minutes post-exercise. The research team further established that this effect was not due to a change in the women's mood, rather it was linked to perceiving themselves as stronger and thinner.
"We all have those days when we don't feel great about our bodies," says Martin Ginis. "This study and our previous research shows one way to feel better, is to get going and exercise. The effects can be immediate."
Martin Ginis sees this study as a gateway to developing maximally effective body image-enhancing exercise interventions.
According to the National Institutes of Health, nearly one half of North American women experience some degree of body image dissatisfaction and this has become more prevalent over the last three decades.
"We think that the feelings of strength and empowerment women achieve post exercise, stimulate an improved internal dialogue," says Martin Ginis. "This in turn should generate positive thoughts and feelings about their bodies which may replace the all too common negative ones."
Read more at:
one 30-minute bout of exercise makes women feel stronger and thinner,
according to a new UBC study. And the positive effect lasts well beyond
the activity itself, which may be good news for women concerned about
their body image.
Martin Ginis, along with her graduate student Lauren Salci, compared the body image and physical perceptions of women who completed 30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise with those who sat and read. Women in the exercise group had significant improvements in their body image compared to those who didn't exercise. This positive effect lasted at least 20 minutes post-exercise. The research team further established that this effect was not due to a change in the women's mood, rather it was linked to perceiving themselves as stronger and thinner.
"We all have those days when we don't feel great about our bodies," says Martin Ginis. "This study and our previous research shows one way to feel better, is to get going and exercise. The effects can be immediate."
Martin Ginis sees this study as a gateway to developing maximally effective body image-enhancing exercise interventions.
According to the National Institutes of Health, nearly one half of North American women experience some degree of body image dissatisfaction and this has become more prevalent over the last three decades.
"We think that the feelings of strength and empowerment women achieve post exercise, stimulate an improved internal dialogue," says Martin Ginis. "This in turn should generate positive thoughts and feelings about their bodies which may replace the all too common negative ones."
Read more at:
one 30-minute bout of exercise makes women feel stronger and thinner,
according to a new UBC study. And the positive effect lasts well beyond
the activity itself, which may be good news for women concerned about
their body image.
Martin Ginis, along with her graduate student Lauren Salci, compared the body image and physical perceptions of women who completed 30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise with those who sat and read. Women in the exercise group had significant improvements in their body image compared to those who didn't exercise. This positive effect lasted at least 20 minutes post-exercise. The research team further established that this effect was not due to a change in the women's mood, rather it was linked to perceiving themselves as stronger and thinner.
"We all have those days when we don't feel great about our bodies," says Martin Ginis. "This study and our previous research shows one way to feel better, is to get going and exercise. The effects can be immediate."
Martin Ginis sees this study as a gateway to developing maximally effective body image-enhancing exercise interventions.
According to the National Institutes of Health, nearly one half of North American women experience some degree of body image dissatisfaction and this has become more prevalent over the last three decades.
"We think that the feelings of strength and empowerment women achieve post exercise, stimulate an improved internal dialogue," says Martin Ginis. "This in turn should generate positive thoughts and feelings about their bodies which may replace the all too common negative ones."
Read more at:
one 30-minute bout of exercise makes women feel stronger and thinner,
according to a new UBC study. And the positive effect lasts well beyond
the activity itself, which may be good news for women concerned about
their body image.
Martin Ginis, along with her graduate student Lauren Salci, compared the body image and physical perceptions of women who completed 30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise with those who sat and read. Women in the exercise group had significant improvements in their body image compared to those who didn't exercise. This positive effect lasted at least 20 minutes post-exercise. The research team further established that this effect was not due to a change in the women's mood, rather it was linked to perceiving themselves as stronger and thinner.
"We all have those days when we don't feel great about our bodies," says Martin Ginis. "This study and our previous research shows one way to feel better, is to get going and exercise. The effects can be immediate."
Martin Ginis sees this study as a gateway to developing maximally effective body image-enhancing exercise interventions.
According to the National Institutes of Health, nearly one half of North American women experience some degree of body image dissatisfaction and this has become more prevalent over the last three decades.
"We think that the feelings of strength and empowerment women achieve post exercise, stimulate an improved internal dialogue," says Martin Ginis. "This in turn should generate positive thoughts and feelings about their bodies which may replace the all too common negative ones."
Read more at:
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