Saturday, August 13, 2016

Promotion of good heart health should begin at birth

The majority of kids are born with very good cardiovascular health which has the potential to remain good into their adult lives if their hearts are treated well. However it has been estimated that approximately 91 percent of American kids have poor diets. Clearly the promotion of good heart health should begin at birth reports the American Heart Association. According to a a newly released scientific statement which has been published in the American Heart Association journal Circulation the majority of American kids don't meet the definition of ideal cardiovascular health in childhood by the American Heart Association. Julia Steinberger, M.D., M.S., who is the lead author of the new statement, says we should not take a wait-and-see approach in dealing with cardiovascular health of kids. Instead we should help kids maintain the good cardiovascular health most kids are born with. Kids should be encouraged to maintain a body weight which is healthy, get a minimum of 60 minutes daily of moderate to vigorous physical activity, eat a diet which is healthy and not use tobacco products. It is important to help kids strive for healthy cholesterol, blood pressure and blood glucose levels. It's a real challenge to get kids to eat well and to exercise regularly. However it's well worth the investment in their health now which can last with them throughout their lifespan to work with them to help them adhere to healthy cardiovascular nutritional and lifestyle habits.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

If you're selfless you'll probably enjoy more sex

Sex is a hot topic dealing with what actually has a great deal of significance for health and happiness. University of Guelph reports that a study has found that people who are selfless have more sex. In this study from the University of Guelph and Nipissing University it has been shown that people who help other people are generally more desirable sexual partners to the opposite sex. These people also generally enjoy more sexual partners and having sex more often. This study has been published in the British Journal of Psychology. The researchers have said this is the first study to show that altruism may be associated with actual mating success in Western populations. It seems that altruism serves as a sign of other qualities which are desirable. And so it seems that non-altruists do not enjoy as much mating success as altruists. Therefore if you enjoy healthy, consensual sex as most of us do you could try being more altruistic if you want to enjoy a better sex life.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

You must use your brain to protect it from memory loss

The brain is a very sensitive organ which must remain active to stay healthy. Iowa State University reports a study shows you must use your brain or lose it. If you fail to use your brain enough you are at greater risk for memory loss. Researchers have discovered a protein, neuronal pentraxin-2, or NPTX2, which is essential for developing memories and which seems to predict the progression of memory loss and brain atrophy in patients with Alzheimer’s. It has been suggested in this research that there is an association between brain activity and the presence of the protein NPTX2. This study has been published in the journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity. With higher levels of this protein there was found to be better memory and more brain volume and with lower levels of the protein diminished memory and less volume was seen. There seems to be a protective effect on the brain with NPTX2. Therefore it seems that people with complex jobs or who stay active mentally and socially could see benefits. It's therefore a good idea to keep your brain active daily to keep it healthy and to avoid getting Alzheimer’s disease.