Thursday, August 4, 2016
You must use your brain to protect it from memory loss
The brain is a very sensitive organ which must remain active to stay healthy. Iowa State University reports a study shows you must use your brain or lose it. If you fail to use your brain enough you are at greater risk for memory loss. Researchers have discovered a protein, neuronal pentraxin-2, or NPTX2, which is essential for developing memories and which seems to predict the progression of memory loss and brain atrophy in patients with Alzheimer’s. It has been suggested in this research that there is an association between brain activity and the presence of the protein NPTX2. This study has been published in the journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity. With higher levels of this protein there was found to be better memory and more brain volume and with lower levels of the protein diminished memory and less volume was seen. There seems to be a protective effect on the brain with NPTX2. Therefore it seems that people with complex jobs or who stay active mentally and socially could see benefits. It's therefore a good idea to keep your brain active daily to keep it healthy and to avoid getting Alzheimer’s disease.