Thursday, July 7, 2016
The Citizens Commission on Human Rights has reported on making a killing with psychiatric drugs
The Citizens Commission on Human Rights has produced a video called "Making A Killing, The Untold Story of Psychiatric Drugging" which makes shocking revelations about the filth and corruption which is involved in the marketing of psychiatric drugs. The like-minded diabolically insane American psychiatrists and other likewise trash psychiatrists across the world have been making a financial killing off of the psychiatric drugs. These drugs are highly toxic poisons which are responsible for crippling and killing scores of people daily. It has been exposed by the CCHR that most if not all of the members of the FDA who sit on panels to decide on the clearing of psychiatric drugs are psychiatrists who are associated with the pharmaceutical firms who manufacture these drugs. These psychiatrists make enormous profits each time another one of these toxic poisons is cleared for sale by the FDA. It has also been highlighted by the CCHR that the Chairmans of the Departments of Psychiatry at the medical schools across the United States and their staff members also have arrangements with the psychiatric drug pharmaceutical firms which makes them filthy rich from these toxic drugs as long as more and more psychiatrists prescribe them regularly. There have been scores of cases uncovered of people who otherwise were never suicidal or homicidal who have killed themselves and/or who have killed other people while taking the poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs. In consideration that there are no biological markers for the myriad of fictional diagnoses of the quack psychiatrists, signs and symptoms of normal everyday feelings are being used to make the trendy diagnoses of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia in order to hype up the sales of the pharmaceutical poisons which are used to supposedly treat these labels. The prescriptions for the psychiatric poisons are rolling out as if candy is being given away even though there have also been many sudden deaths from these poisons, including among young babies who never really did much yet in life aside from play, smile, cry, eat food and sleep. Clearly psychiatry is a criminal discipline of abuse which should be abolished and replaced with Natural Mental Health Care.