Friday, June 9, 2017
A good relationship with her father lessens chances of a girl engaging in risky sex
The quality of a relationship between a father and daughter is vital to the emotional well being of girls. In fact it appears there is less likelihood of a young girl engaging in risky sexual behavior if she has a good relationship with her father.
The University of Utah reports researchers say there are links between father involvement and the sexual behavior of a daughter. One explanation for this association has been shared genes which impact both the behavior of a father and a child’s problem behavior, which includes taking part in risky sex and socializing with peers who are delinquent.
A new study which was led by a University of Utah researcher has suggested that genes may not be the only significant factor in determining the development of a daughter. Fathering quality has been shown to have significant effects on daughters. The quality of a father's relationship with his daughter can significantly impact the sexual behavior of the daughter.
Danielle J. DelPriore, who is a post-doctoral fellow in the University of Utah’s department of psychology and who is the lead author of the study, says there is more involved here than a father simply being at home. The overall monitoring a daughter gets from her parents and her likelihood of associating with more promiscuous or more prosocial friends is influenced by the quality of the relationship between the father and daughter.
The researchers determined when fathering was high quality, parental monitoring was better and girls were not as likely to associate with sexually risky peers during adolescence in comparison to other girls. These effects were opposite for girls who spent many years living with a father of low-quality.
Parental monitoring is in reference to parents’ supervision over their kid's lives. Communication and knowledge dealing with what a child is doing, who she hangs out with, and in what ways she spends her time and money are considerations with parental monitoring. Researchers say that poor parental monitoring is associated with more drug and alcohol use, delinquency and other problems with behavior.
This study has been published in the journal Developmental Psychology. The researchers have concluded that overall girls who have better quality fathering take part in less risky sexual behavior than their peers. It is certainly worth the investment for father's to find time to help their daughters realize how special they are to them by spending quality time with them.
In this context it is important for families to try as hard as possible to keep psychiatrists out of their lives. As clearly shared by the Citizens Commission on Human Rights psychiatry is a highly destructive discipline which should be abolished. If there are family problems psychiatrists are not the place to turn for professional help. Psychiatrists claim they are experts in providing mental health care and yet they consistently and arrogantly cause far more harm than good. They than feed off of the pain and suffering they inflict people with.
The damages the quack psychiatrists can cause to the careers and financial well being of father's can catastrophically undermine the quality of relationships a father is capable of offering daughters and other members of the family. This can spin off into daughters falling prey to sexual predators who will take advantage of their compromised situations. Families are therefore always better off working to resolve any problems they may have without psychiatrists.