Brain cancer is a devastating condition. It appears that a diet high in olive oil may help to prevent brain cancer.
The University of Edinburgh has reported that brain cancer may be prevented with olive oil. Researchers have found that a nutrient in olive oil may help to keep cancer from developing in the brain. The primary ingredient in olive oil, oleic acid, can assist in preventing cancer causing genes from functioning properly in cells.
Oleic acid is a fatty acid. This fatty acid stimulates the production of a cell molecule which has a function of preventing the formation of cancer causing proteins. However the researchers have said it is too early to determine whether consuming olive oil in your diet may actually help to prevent brain cancer.
It does however appear from this study that there may be possible therapies based on olive oil which can help keep brain cancer from developing. The researchers analyzed the effect which oleic acid has on a
cell molecule, which is known as miR-7. This cell molecule is active in the brain and it is
known to suppress tumor formation.
It was observed that oleic acid prevents a cell protein, which is known as MSI2, from stopping the production of miR-7. Therefore oleic acid supports the actual production of miR-7, and this helps to prevent tumors from forming.
This study has been published in the Journal of Molecular Biology. Although the researchers can not yet say with certainty that dietary olive oil helps to prevent brain cancer, the findings of this research have suggested that oleic acid can support the
production of molecules which suppress tumors in cells grown in the lab.
Olive oil is delicious and has been found to have other health benefits. The World's Healthiest Foods reports on the benefits of extra virgin olive oil for cardiovascular health and for regulation of blood sugar. And consuming as little as 1–2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil daily has been associated with lower risk of cancers of the breast, respiratory tract, and digestive tract. So it seems like a good idea to enjoy consuming some extra virgin olive oil on a regular basis.